Software Engineer @ ORTEC

Anne-Jette | People@ORTEC


During my study Econometrics and Operations Research in Groningen I got introduced to ORTEC. I always knew that after my study I wanted to do something with OR, because I found (and still find) it very interesting to solve logistic puzzles. By attending presentations and workshops from ORTEC I got a good overview on what this company stands for, and this also gave me the opportunity to experience the atmosphere at the office. They both really attracted me. ORTEC has a very pleasant, informal ambiance, and a strong collection of software products that can optimize logistic processes in a wide range of markets.

Since the end of 2009 I am working as a software developer on the Product Development department. I started working on a product to optimize load building of containers, and after a few years I switched to an (on-premise) product that optimizes routing for trucks. A few years later I made a switch to Frontend Developer, where I worked on web applications for transport planning and load building. Recently I became Lead Frontend Engineer, and in this role I combine some managing activities with software developing, which I really like.

"I like to see how to solve complex puzzles and how you can present the solution clearly to the user."

As a software engineer, of course, I write code, but over the day my activities are very diverse. For example: designing, testing, documenting, discussing or implementing. And when I am actually writing code, the topic can vary also. For example last week I added new functionality to the user interface, while this week I am writing code to let the user interface communicate with our backend API’s, to present the computed solution to the user. And next to working on the web application where my team is responsible for, I also develop and design generic libraries that all our cloud products can use. The variation in activities makes my work challenging and diverse. Therefore I find it very interesting, since I like to see how to solve complex puzzles and how you can present the solution clearly to the user. I also appreciate working together in a scrum team, actively co-operating with backend, devOps, tester, scrum master, product owner, and other lead developers. Together, we always find a solution to the challenges we face.

"Together we work on a larger goal: creating a product that can really make a difference for our customers."

As I mentioned before, the ambiance within the company is very pleasant. Colleagues are always willing to help each other, and to let you know that your work is appreciated. And very important: there’s always room for humor! We work in small teams, where communication and cooperation are important. Together we work on a larger goal: creating a product that can really make a difference for our customers.

Finally I’d like to mention that ORTEC offers its employees a lot of opportunities to grow. There is a wide variety of roles to choose from: consultancy, software implementation, testing, support, design, devOps, scrum master... And if you feel like you need a new challenge, there is always an opportunity to switch to another team or department. And there is budget to follow courses and workshops, both internally and externally, or to do internships at other departments.

Summarizing, I am very happy to work in such a warm and stimulating group of people, and I hope to do that for many more years!

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