

The financial sector is undergoing rapid digital acceleration. At the same time, regulators and society are setting increasingly higher standards for compliance, transparency, and solvability. To stay ahead of these developments, financial service providers will have to invest in data-driven innovation and develop an integrated customer view. Financial service providers can use their data to become more efficient and customer friendly. The increase in computational power and the rise of the cloud have made it more effective to analyze data and speed up processes.

Strategic Use of Data

The smart use of data requires a smart strategy. ORTEC understands your business, and with our expert knowledge of the available technologies, we can create workable and effective solutions – from a complete customer view to implementing customer-friendly virtual assistants.

New forms of data-analytics and artificial intelligence will enable assessing mortgage applications or detecting insurance fraud. AI applications have many profitable uses that range from pricing to handling claims to customer contact to compliance. ORTEC creates new and efficient solutions to the challenges you face. We also help you increase your Net Promoter Score (NPS) by using data-driven technology and the strategic guidance that your organization needs to achieve its goals. In addition, we can make your organization more efficient by automating processes and by honing your service to meet the needs of your customers, streamlining your organization and saving unnecessary costs.

Integral customer view

Collecting and connecting all relevant data improves your service

Strategic guidance

We support the C-level at a strategic and program level with a well-thought-out data strategy

Building capabilities

Training with The Analytics Academy gives practical and scientific insights

Increase NPS

Among our cost-efficient options are chatbots and automated processes

Cost efficiency

We help you automate refund processes, compliance, and damage determination

Using AI efficiently

Use AI to identify risks, detect fraud, interact with customers and lower operational costs

Data-driven innovation and AI

Data analytics is a tool, which helps achieve growth and a competitive edge. Our expertise leads to new insights, optimizes the relationship with your clients and employees, enhances processes and makes your compliance more efficient. To find out what your existing data are telling you, we offer advanced tooling to automatically reach insights that otherwise would take lots of work by lots of people. Think of the ability to compose client groups within a Know Your Customer framework, implementing Anti Money Laundering solutions, or assessing risks connected to mortgage payments. Our data scientists will gladly start identifying, unlocking, combining and supplementing the right data sets.

Analytics Academy

Data science knows no company boundaries and will affect every function in any company. But Finance is one of the industries affected the most with ever accelerating developments in this area. Our Analytics Academy offers a wide range of data science programs to keep your employees up to date, both theoretically and practically. Our trainings go through all layers of the organization, ranging from creating a basic understanding at board level to acquiring hands-on skills so your staff can deliver value in data-oriented projects.

AI and machine learning

Virtual assistants allow you to immediately connect with your customers and deliver accurate service in an empathetic and human-like way. If they’re created and maintained properly, chatbots can be very beneficial to your business. They save time and manpower, they provide answers to your customers 24/7, and allow you to redirect customers with specific questions to the proper department.

A good chatbot feels like a human conversational partner, able to ask in-depth questions and coming up with accurate answers. To achieve that, the conversational structure needs to be set up carefully. The bot must be able to retrieve all necessary information, personalize its output and to consider all relevant customer data. ORTEC can help you achieve this.

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