
B2B Delivery

Whether you ship goods from distribution centers to stores, handle logistics for finished goods, or transport food and beverages, your customers expect on-time deliveries. They also expect up-to-date status information. How do you meet their needs with limited capacity? How do you decide which orders to transport first? How do you ensure a cost-effective and sustainable operation? Effective B2B delivery combines smart optimization with real-time dispatch capabilities. Our solutions give you full control and insight to deliver data-driven improvements.

ORTEC B2B Delivery

Balance costs and operational efficiency in B2B delivery

Today, flexibility and control are key to meet customer expectations. Warehouses and distribution centers operate with narrow time-slots for pick-ups and deliveries. How can you deal with limited capacity and rising customer demand, while lowering your environmental footprint? Our solutions for B2B delivery help you find the right balance.

Delivery software solutions

B2B delivery management software for end-to-end visibility and control

Our software combines loading and route optimization with planning and execution functionalities. AI-driven recommendations and data analytics continuously help you to increase capacity and decrease transportation costs.

Our six-step framework:

  1. Predict: Use your historical data to forecast demand and estimate the capacity required.
  2. Prepare: Use your forecasted information to simulate and model your upcoming operations.
  3. Plan: Create optimized loads and routes; plan & schedule daily operations.
  4. Execute: Get a real-time overview and control of the plan’s realization (control-tower concept).
  5. Monitor: Be in control of your operations with transparency over all operational data & KPIs.
  6. Improve: Use intelligent analytics apps to improve your business in a continuous manner.
Delivery software solutions

Our solutions help you deliver value today

Built on 40+ years of excellence in the field of data science. Helping industry leaders save up to 10% in logistics costs.

Delivery software solutions

Get inspired by success stories

Discover the measurable results of data-driven decision making at our customers.

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