ORTEC's Women in Tech

Be your own cheerleader | Writing my own script

2024: May

Numerous research shows the benefits of having a diverse workforce. Within the technology (tech) industry, women have been a vital part since the beginning, yet they are still underrepresented. In fact, women make up barely a third of workers in tech according to a report by The World Bank. The number has even been declining in the past decades. A report by Accenture attributes much of this decline to a lack of inclusivity for women in the industry.

In this personal story, we share the unique journey and challenges of Bouchra Ben Zahir (29), Software Engineer at ORTEC in Germany. In a world that often seeks to discourage us – or we (unconsciously) discourage ourselves -, her story reminds us that the only limits that exist are the ones we place upon ourselves. “You define your own life: don’t let others write your script.”


‘ORTEC’s Women in Tech’ is a series highlighting some of our amazing women. At ORTEC, we value a diverse and inclusive workforce. Nonetheless, with about one third of our workforce identifying as female, we would like to increase this number. By launching ‘ORTEC’s Women in Tech’ series, we aim to inspire women to enter the tech industry – we can tell from experience that it’s a great environment to be in!

A series written for women, by women, about women. Interview & text by Linda Janssen.

Bouchra Ben Zahir - ORTEC Germany Software Engineer

You define your own life: don’t let others write your script

“It’s easy to get discouraged when people say negative things about your plans. I know this all too well. Been there, felt that…” says Bouchra as we start talking. Born and raised in Morocco, Bouchra decided she wanted to continue her studies in Germany. To meet the enrollment requirements of a German University, Bouchra had to master the German language in just 6 months - this seemed daunting to many. “People told me that German was a really complex language, and I would not manage to learn it within just half a year,” Bouchra recalls. It's a sentiment that many of us can relate to—the skepticism and doubt of those around us threatening to undermine our aspirations.

“If you don’t design your own life plan,

chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan.”

“When I was younger, words like these would really affect me in a negative way. Back then, I might have even let it stop me. Now I know what I want to do, I make my own plans, and no one can tell me what I can or can’t do, or what my capabilities are,” she asserts with conviction.” To put her experience in the words of Jim Rohn: “If you don’t design your own life plan (and stick to it either way!), chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan.”

Moving to Bremen, Germany

“I was very motivated and successfully completed the intensive 6-months German language course. And here I am, still in Germany, exactly 5 years and 3 months later.” Bouchra is counting the days, and counting down to when she gets to see her family in Morocco again. “I moved all by myself to Germany, and as a family person, it’s at times quite difficult to be so far away. Luckily, my homesickness is OK now that I have really embarked on my chapter here.”

Bouchra Ben Zahir ORTEC

Bouchra Ben Zahir

"I have this inner critic that could easily discourage me. Besides my supportive environment, I’m also learning to become my own source of encouragement, so I can silence my inner critic to be my own cheerleader instead."

⭐️ Be your own best cheerleader, not your own worst critic

When Bouchra no longer let others discourage her, she realized she also had to find her way not to discourage herself anymore. “I have this inner critic that would easily discourage me and could hold me back. I’ve learned, and sometimes am still learning, to become my own source of encouragement and silence my inner critic to be my own cheerleader instead. Recognizing my negative thoughts and challenging those by replacing them with positive self-talk mostly helps me in this.

Life at ORTEC

After a rather challenging journey marked by unpaid internships, a job as a mathematics teacher in Morocco, intensive language courses, and the pursuit of her master’s degree, Bouchra joined ORTEC as a working student in the development team in 2021. This marked her initial exposure to software development, and the start of her career as a woman in tech. When asking her what she likes about her current role as Software Engineer, she answers: “What I enjoy most about my job is the challenge of solving complex problems and developing impactful solutions. I appreciate the continuous learning opportunities, the chance to work with new technologies, and the collaboration with a talented team.”

👩‍💻 Being a woman in tech

“For me, entering the tech world was a great opportunity to get out of my comfort zone. I’m happy to have been consistently encouraged by my family and friends in this field. While acknowledging that women in tech can encounter challenges, I firmly believe it’s ultimately their prerogative how to address and navigate them. I love my career and the best advice I can give the future generation of women in tech: please don’t let others – or your own inner critic - discourage you.”

Supportive environment

Besides being her own cheerleader, Bouchra also greatly benefit from her supportive environment. “First, a big thanks to my mom: thanks for your unwavering support, mom. It’s not easy to be this far away from her. This photo of me and my mom is taken during the celebration of my graduation from one of the top schools in Morocco; I carry it with me anywhere I go - it reminds me to keep doing what I want.

Next to that, I’m very grateful for the supportive environment I’ve found within ORTEC. The recognition and praise I get from co-workers and my manager gives me joy. It also motivates me to give my very best. One positive word can make a substantial difference, I’ve learned.”

Bouchra Ben Zahir ORTEC

Outside of work

Born and raised in the quaint town of ‘Al Hoceima’ in northern Morocco, Bouchra finds joy in house dance and oriental dance - this helps her to release negative energy and alleviate stress. She also likes to create lasting memories through traveling. Her favorite travel location yet is a small town in Norway: quiet, and full of nature. On her travel wish list are still South Kora and Japan because she admires their cultures and lifestyles, and she’s a big fan of K-dramas and anime.

Connect with Bouchra on LinkedIn

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