Improving Internal Communications in the dynamic healthcare industry

With more than 1,000 beds, a wide array of medical services and four different locations, the Albert Schweitzer Hospital is one of the largest general hospitals in the Netherlands. The organization employs more than 4,000 full-time workers and 400 flex workers. This staff includes nurses, doctors, assistants, office managers and volunteers. The hospital was looking for a means to communicate more efficiently with these different groups and keep everyone informed and engaged.

Entering the age of mobile, internal communications
At many organizations, intranet systems are old-fashioned. As a result, most peer-to-peer communication takes place in the corridors, near the coffee machine or through WhatsApp. It’s not measurable and unclear. The Albert Schweitzer Hospital was looking for the best way to reach all the different professionals in their workforce, as well as volunteers. A mobile app was the alternative they were looking for, as in this line of work, most employees don’t work on a computer. To minimize miscommunication, the hospital wanted to make sure their employees receive important announcements straight from the management team.

More relevance and personalization
The Albert Schweitzer Hospital launched a brand-new internal communication platform with ORTEC for Communications. The platform makes it possible to personalize internal communications and makes news more relevant for different employees. They now have a native (mobile) app and a web portal. This allows employees to choose where, when and how they want to receive information, with one click and 24/7. The platform comes with a 'marketplace' to facilitate interaction and will soon offer the ability to view staff schedules, which are also optimized with ORTEC’s Workforce Scheduling solution. Everyone is now “in the know” and uses the communication app for both work and pleasure.

Data driven communication = high impact
Top-down news now reaches employees effectively and readership can be measured. The solution’s clear and easy to use analytics give the organization insights into the performance of its communication initiatives and the ability to act accordingly to keep improving. Knowledge sharing among employees has also improved, due to increased interaction. Employees can also choose how they consume information - on mobile or desktop. This has improved employee engagement and satisfaction. The app has made it easier to communicate with volunteers too. All in all, ORTEC for Communications has helped the Albert Schweitzer Hospital reach doctors, employees and volunteers separately, all from one dashboard.

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