
NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij)

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The Challenge

NAM, an oil and gas leader, has an ambitious digitalization agenda and wanted to develop its employees’ data science skills to drive data-driven business improvements.

How we create value

NAM Data Capability Building Program


  • 15+ data science projects, many of which continue to drive business value for NAM
  • An engaged data science and analytics community in the company
  • Expanded employee know-how on a broad range of data science topics



Digitalization as key enabler for NAM

NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij), headquartered in Assen, the Netherlands, is an oil and natural gas exploration and production company. The company, half owned by Shell and half by ExxonMobil, operates on the Dutch mainland and the Dutch continental shelf. In their industry, NAM is seen as a front-runner in the transformation towards a data-driven company.

Applying knowledge and experience in digitalization and advanced analytics to its current and future business is regarded as a major driver for continuous success. Digitalization is seen as a key factor in supporting NAM’s ambition to become a net-zero emissions energy business.

To ensure the wide-spread adoption of data driven principles, NAM partnered with The Analytics Academy (TAA) to expand and improve the mindset, skillset, and toolset for advanced analytics in all layers of NAM’s organization.

Customer Case – NAM quote Johan Atema

Johan Atema, Managing Director NAM

"Digitalization is key in order to be competitive in the market, and this program was a perfect fit for our ambitions"

Data Science Training Program

NAM and The Analytics Academy (a joint venture between ORTEC and the University of Amsterdam), co-designed a one-year to grow and sustain knowledge at each stage of NAM’s data- driven transformation. To set a baseline, participants completed the ‘TAA capability scan’ to identify capability gaps and tailor the curriculum. The program was based on TAA’s best practices and was aimed at a core group of data scientists, analytics translators, and higher management.

Data science topics included Python programming, data analysis, visualization, optimization, predictive analytics, database building, and cloud computing. To ensure that these technical subjects create value, a strong emphasis was put on the business aspect: how to find the real business questions that create value, how to run a successful data science project, and how to effectively communicate your findings to stakeholders.

To apply these learnings, throughout the program participants developed 15+ Data Science projects (proofs-of-concept) while being coached by TAA professionals. The program’s participants ranged from hands-on data scientists to board-level management. An executive bootcamp ensured understanding, alignment and support for data-driven improvements.

Dealing with COVID-19

Midway through the program, a national quarantine was enforced due to COVID-19. Within a few weeks, the entire program was transformed to be held remotely, including on-the-job-coaching and community building activities. Courses were held via Microsoft Teams and participants received a package containing resources that enabled them to do all the (interactive) exercises from home.

On-the-job data science coaching

To create a lasting learning effect, it is vital to put newly acquired skills and tools into practice. During the program, data scientists were regularly coached on the job while going through new ‘real-life’ projects. These projects ranged from identifying business questions to be solved to delivering a proof-of-concept based on NAM’s business goals and data. Several of these projects lived on after the program and are currently being embedded in NAM’s operations.

Community building highlights

In a large organization like NAM, it is important to create a data science community for internal support, knowledge sharing and continuous learning. During the course of the program, an activity was organized every two months for participants to get to know other data science professionals and share knowledge. A data science pub quiz was held where participants competed in small groups to show off their newly acquired knowledge. To involve the broader company in the program, an Analytics Market was organized for participants to present the results of their projects.

Customer Case – NAM quote Erik Schrama

Erik Schrama, Technology Manager NAM

"ORTEC really helped us by shaping their curriculum to our needs, spending the time to set up the program and interviewing the participants. ORTEC was flexible and creative in making the adjustments that were necessary to make the program even better along the way. The quality standard was very high. A broad range of trainers, each having their own area of expertise, made the program very interesting to follow. The combination of community building and the availability of an on-the-job coach for proof-of-concept support led to great success. I look back on a successful program, and I know for sure the participants feel the same way!"

The success of the Data Capability Program

There is clear alignment between the Data Capability Building Program and NAM’s ambitions and goals. A large group of participants worked hard to improve their data science skills and make a positive impact on their daily business using advanced analytics, providing a fertile environment for data driven improvements in the future.