
The best of our 2021 insights

Read time: December

To reflect on the year 2021 and inspire you, we share our best insights of the year: our top 10 best read articles. Happy reading!

Date31 Dec 2021
ORTEC best insights of 2021

1. Four key elements of sustainable business success

What should future airports look like? Together with his team, Richard Emmerink, Director of Strategy and Airport Planning at Schiphol, is driven by the ambition to make future airports, and preferably all European aviation, as sustainable as possible. As he sees it, these four key elements go into successfully traveling the path to sustainable business.

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Four key elements of sustainable business success (Schiphol airport)

2. Mindset shifts for organizational transformation

To successfully change a business model, one must also change the culture. Many organizations will intuit that something is to be done, but quickly find that it is much easier said than done, resulting in neglect of this part of the transformation process. “Understandably so”, says Rianne Langenberg, Managing Consultant at ORTEC, “because it’s the most complicated part.” These 5 mindset shifts can help.

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Mindset shifts for organizational transformation

3. Forty years of impact: an interview with ORTEC founder Gerrit Timmer

Forty years ago, our founders embarked on the adventure of a lifetime. Countless great projects later, ORTEC has much to be proud of: together with our customers, we have made an impact that goes beyond mere business. Gerrit Timmer, one of the founders, is seldom left speechless – but when asked to list just a few highlights of ORTEC’s impact over the past 40 years, he is silent for a while. Discover his carefully selected stories.

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40 years of impact with ORTEC founder Gerrit Timmer

4. In ten years AI leading and doctors supporting: reality or madness?

In the near future, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a much bigger role in healthcare, including in hospitals. Prof. Dr. Folkert Asselbergs, cardiologist at UMC Utrecht predicts: “At the moment, AI still plays a supporting role, but I think that ten years from now, AI will be in the lead and doctors will primarily support.”

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Future of healthcare AI leading and doctors support

5. Moving technology forward | ASML

“Making mistakes is good, as long as you are fully committed to solving them and learning from them.”

Chip machine manufacturer ASML is renowned for its progressiveness. They were able to build their innovative reputation because they operate in a field where mistakes are accepted, provided that you learn from them and are 100% committed to solving them. “Everything goes, as long as the potential rewards outweigh the risk.”

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Moving technology forward (ASML)

6. Explainable & Fair AI

Apart from algorithms being a useful way to optimize all sorts of operations, there is also a potential downside: they can potentially discriminate against certain people. The profiles used for fraud detection could for instance be questionable. Algorithms can also potentially influence hiring processes, mortgage applications and online targeting, and in all these processes, it is vital that people are treated fairly. Step by step, this is how to make algorithms fairer.

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Explainable & Fair AI

7. Data-driven decisions: analytics in transportation & logistics

An e-book for companies that want to improve decision-making with analytics.

Data abounds, but how do you leverage it to drive profitability and efficiency? What does it take to implement analytics in transportation and logistics? This e-book offers a practical approach to achieve a more effective supply chain with data. Your journey starts with these two steps.

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Data-Driven Decisions: Analytics in Transportation & Logistics

8. The next generation (chat)bot: 5 trends that will improve customer interaction

Despite the positive sides that bots offer to customers, not everyone has a positive experience interacting with them. We acknowledge that bots are not totally perfect yet. Nevertheless, thanks to innovation running at an exponential pace, we predict to see new and surprising developments that will fundamentally step up the way that bots interact with customers. Discover our 5 predictions that will improve your (chat)bot.

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The next generation (chat)bot: 5 trends that will improve customer interaction

9. Four insights that will help your dairy company stay on track

Dairy companies have to develop new strategies to meet new market demands, rising customer expectations, and an increased focus on sustainability. Simultaneously, they have to deal with complex trade-offs between service and efficiency, and very short product lifecycles. This can be (very) challenging. Supply chain is emerging as a key enabler to achieve goals, and increasing flexibility and efficiency in logistics is a crucial part of that. These four tips will help your organization stay on track and meet today’s demands.

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Analytics and logistics trends in dairy

10. How Load Optimization can reduce the pandemic’s impact on logistics

Shipping capacity is scarce and expensive, and logistics is largely unpredictable. An approach that is only focused on cost-cutting will not work anymore. Instead, companies are turning to new technologies to increase efficiency and agility. Find out how load optimization can help your company maximize resource utilization, lower the costs per shipped SKU, and make the right choices to ship goods in high demand.

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