
Top Summer Reads 2022: Decision-Making

Summer is here and whether you’re hoping to escape to somewhere new or enjoy a break closer to home, we’ve got your perfect literary escape covered.

Next to the few easy, fun reads you can bring to the beach, you want to continue to challenge yourself by reading some thought-provoking content.

We’re happy to lend a hand with recommendations from our experts, with insight on:

Date27 Jun 2022
Summer Reads 2022 - Decision Making

Top 5 Decision-Making


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<h3>How the World Really Works: A Scientist’s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future</h3>

<p>We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don't know how the world really works. This book explains seven of the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity. From energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to risks, our environment and its future.</p>

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How the world really works


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<h3>We must bulletproof supply chains to streamline disrupted flows</h3>

<p>Automotive&nbsp;manufacturers have idled production, beverage producers are faced with glass bottle shortages, and demand for paper has been vastly outstripping supply. All this is compounded by acute staff shortages across a variety of industries. Is there any way of avoiding these types of problems in the future?</p>

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We must bulletproof supply chains to streamline disrupted flows


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<h3>CEOs, Here’s How to Lead in an Era of Constant Change</h3>

<p>Change is difficult — and managing through it might even be more challenging. Yet, with today’s pace of change, CEOs have no choice but to be even more aggressive with their change efforts in order to stay competitive. To successfully lead their companies through change, today’s CEOs must take four actions.</p>

Let's explore
CEOs, Here’s How to Lead in an Era of Constant Change

Data and AI in the Boardroom Issue 2: The Quest for New Business Models

Technological and social developments are putting pressure on companies’ revenue models and different fields of expertise. Climate change, digitization, and transparency influence the way we do business, the way we look at data and the way we envision the future. Are you already rethinking your business models?

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Data and AI in the Boardroom Issue 2


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<h3>Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers</h3>

<p>By combining years of research into making ideas stick with a deep understanding of how the brain really works, Heath has discerned six critical principles that will give anyone the tools to communicate numbers with more transparency and meaning.</p>

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Making Numbers Count


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<h3>A New Balance in Business Models&nbsp;</h3>

<p>Various developments – both technological and social – are putting pressure on companies’ revenue models and the organization of different fields of expertise. According to ORTEC’s Patrick Hennen, our interlocutors signal that climate change, digitization, and the call for more diversity, inclusion and transparency influence the way we do business, the way we look at data and the way we envision the future of our planet.</p>

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