Science & AI

We have applied the latest mathematical techniques in our solutions from the start. To achieve this, we maintain strong ties with the academic world. This bond ensures that our people are operating on the cutting edge of new technologies and developments in the fields of analytics and optimization. Various ORTEC employees teach at universities. We also collaborate closely with academic institutions and sponsor PhD-projects in cutting-edge optimization and AI-techniques.

ORTEC - Science & Development

Applying mathematics in our solutions

We use a powerful combination of machine learning and intelligent optimization to use data to its full potential, while guaranteeing performance and respecting strict business constraints. We are constantly investigating new ways to use these techniques as reflected on our development roadmap. All data, produced by our solutions, is stored in our Data & Analytics Monitor to apply continuous improvement.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined as the intelligence demonstrated by machines in contrast to the natural intelligence of humans. Ever since our foundation in 1981, ORTEC starts with fully understanding the challenge at hand and then use all relevant data together with the best suitable mathematical techniques (including AI) to optimize the business challenge.

Our toolset includes Machine Learning and other forms of AI. Our optimizers contain self-learning mechanisms to select the best performing algorithms for the case at hand (also called instance-learning). We do this without losing sight of customer needs. All of our optimizers are customized to address the customer’s situation. That is why AI is part of ORTEC’s DNA.

The Science Map provides an overview of the different techniques used in our solutions.

ORTEC - Science & Development Mathematics

Collaboration with universities

One of our founders, Gerrit Timmer, has been a professor of Business Econometrics at the Free University, Amsterdam for over 25 years. Since 2005, Goos Kant, one of ORTEC’s shareholders, is a professor at Tilburg University and Jheronimus Academy of Data Science. Joaquim Gromicho dos Santos, Science and Education Officer at ORTEC, also holds the Endowed Chair on Applied Optimization at the Free University since 2010. Joaquim also teaches at the University of Amsterdam. A significant number of our employees hold a PhD degree in the field of Operational Research, Mathematics or related scientific disciplines. ORTEC has a continuous pool of master thesis students. Who are researching and working on the latest scientific insights and technology.

ORTEC has an active collaboration with academic authorities like Prof. Den Hertog (University of Amsterdam), Prof. Bertsimas (MIT), and Prof. Savelsbergh (Georgia Tech). Together with the University of Amsterdam, we founded The Analytics Academy in 2015. We co-founded Rhythm with the Centre for Healthcare Operations Improvement and Research of Twente University (CHOIR). Rhythm is a key supplier of expertise, services and software in healthcare.

ORTEC - Science & Development Universities


ORTEC is closely linked with the Franz Edelman Award. This award is recognized as the Nobel prize for optimization. It rewards outstanding examples of operations research, management science, and advanced analytics in practice. ORTEC was a finalist in 2007, together with Coca-Cola and Tilburg University. In 2012, ORTEC won the Franz Edelman Award, together with TNT Express and Tilburg University. In 2016, ORTEC won the International Algorithm Programming Contest and the Dutch Mathematics Olympiad for Business. We are continuously reviewing how we can improve in our discipline. To do so, we measure and benchmark our results in a scientific way, and work closely with academia.

ORTEC - Science & Development Award