In the dynamic world of warehousing, the management of employee skills is a critical factor that can significantly impact productivity. At its worst, skill management is an informal process, with information about employee abilities residing solely in the minds of decentralized planners.
Read on and learn why this approach is fraught with limitations and what you can do about it.
An article written by Jeroen Vangrunderbeeck, Industry lead Workforce Scheduling Warehouse Operations.
The consequences of not leveraging the full spectrum of skills available are clear: underutilization of capacity and a decrease in productivity. However, this challenge also presents an opportunity for transformation.
Enter the ORTEC AI algorithm, a game-changer in the realm of workforce capacity utilization. This advanced algorithm excels at making the most of the available workforce capacity within a warehousing site. By intelligently matching tasks to the specific skill sets of employees, ORTEC AI ensures that each worker is in the best position to perform effectively and efficiently.
In summary, the integration of skill management with the power of AI offers warehouses an unparalleled opportunity to optimize their operations. ORTEC's AI algorithm is an invaluable tool for any warehousing operation looking to boost productivity, reduce costs, and create a more satisfied workforce. By embracing this technology, warehouses can ensure that they are making optimal use of every skill available, paving the way for a more prosperous and efficient future.
Any questions? We would like to help you and show you the benefits for your organization. Our consultants are very happy to help. Contact ORTEC.
The consequences of not leveraging the full spectrum of skills available are clear: underutilization of capacity and a decrease in productivity.
Read the series of articles about workforce scheduling in warehouses.
We would like to help you and show you the benefits for your organization. Our consultants are very happy to help.