Our team of dedicated people is determined to keep supporting you in your decision-making. Most of our employees are working from home to limit the impact of the virus outbreak. The delivery on your projects continues since our IT infrastructure, collaboration and communication tools facilitate working remotely. To enable effective and efficient collaboration during projects, you can contact your regular contact person at ORTEC to see if our digital tools can also be made available to you and your teams.
To further limit the impact of the coronavirus, we have taken the following actions:
Our employees are encouraged to proactively think along with you to cope with the new challenges arising from the virus outbreak. If you have any questions about our policy or the effect it will have on your business, please call or email your regular contact person at ORTEC or contact us via info@ortec.com.
The care for you and your business has our highest priority. We will do our utmost to keep everyone safe while we continue to create value for you with our data-driven decision support.
Thank you for your understanding.
Michael van Duijn
ORTEC is carefully monitoring the developments around the worldwide spread of the coronavirus. We consider it our number one priority to keep our employees, customers and relations safe and healthy.
We have taken and are taking (preventative) measures to minimize the effect of the coronavirus on the continuity of your and our business. You can find our latest update below.