
Delivered In Full On Time

Delivered In Full On Time

Delivered In Full On Time (DIFOT)

What means Delivered In Full On Time (DIFOT)?

Delivered In Full, On Time (DIFOT) or On Time In Full (OTIF) is a measurement of delivery performance in a supply chain and measures how often the customer gets what they want at the time they want it.

Why use DIFOT?

DIFOT is considered as superior to other delivery performance KPI's, such as Shipped-on-Time (SOT) and On-time Performance (OTP), because it especially looks at deliveries from the point of view of the customer.

How to measure DIFOT?

Typically DIFOT is measured by the systems, supporting the transport execution process. Advanced Planning and Scheduling solutions for Routing deliver great functionality to measure and improve on this measurement.

What are the results of optimizing Delivered In Full and On Time?

Using ORTEC solutions to optimize DIFOT will result in being able to:

  • Optimize real-time execution of transportation
  • Take a large number of restrictions and business requirements into account
  • Deliver on-time and improve customer service and satisfaction
  • Improve visibility and transparency of execution delivered in dashboards for users, customers and management
  • Improve measurements, reporting and decision making

Why contact ORTEC to optimize Delivered in Full and On Time?

ORTEC has implemented solutions for optimizing and real-time execution of transportation in large number of industries. By taking large number of restrictions and business requirements into account, on-time delivery at customers has been improved considerably. Visibility and transparency of execution is delivered in dashboards for users, customers and management and is used for continuous business improvement projects. measure and improve on this measurement.

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