
Data and AI in the Boardroom: Mindset Shifts for Organizational Transformation

Read time: 2-3 minutes

April 2021

Everyone wants to become data-driven and most organizations have realized by now that the transition revolves around acquiring the right data, technology, skills, and models. However, executives often seem to ignore the most important, and most exciting requirement: changing the corporate DNA. To facilitate a data-driven approach and to attract the new generation of digital talent, organizations will have to implement multiple mindset shifts. And not all of them are even directly related to data. What they do have in common, though, is that the board has a key role to play. Rianne Langenberg, Managing Consultant at ORTEC Consulting, takes us through several key requirements based on the five “Mindset shifts for organizational transformation’ published by ThoughtWorks. Such a philosophical and organizational shift starts at the top and requires a solid change plan.

This article on Mindset Shifts for Organizational Transformation is the last part of our series on Data and AI in the Boardroom and is powered by Rianne Langenberg, Managing Consultant.

Date6 Apr 2021

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About the author

Rianne Langenberg is Managing Consultant at ORTEC. With her broad experience in digital strategy, change management and process design, Rianne is always eager to structure and manage new challenges. She loves to be creative and aims to not just improve, but to renew. Making things better ánd more fun.

Connect with Rianne