With so many recent changes to the way we work, what's ahead for us in the next 10 years? ORTEC data science specialists Daphne de Poot and Kathryn Walter as well as other leading tech and business experts offer insights into key trends shifting our professional lives, in this article from Georgia Tech Professional Education.
After 2020 has left its mark on the professional world, we can't help but wonder what the next 10 years will bring. While we’ve endured challenges, we’ve also seen some groundbreaking innovations – expedited either due to disruption or due to years of progress – that are finally beginning to pave the way for technological advances and breakthroughs that once seemed distant. From the gig economy to AI, hear from Georgia Tech experts about the changes and emerging trends that will develop across all industries over the next decade.
To continuing reading the article, please visit the Georgia Tech website.
There has been an upward trend on supply chain traceability and visibility. This trend will grow stronger as more data becomes available, climate change becomes an even larger driving force, and organizations become more purpose-driven.