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Data and AI in the Boardroom is an ORTEC magazine to support senior executives to cope with the challenges, opportunities and risks of data and artificial intelligence, enhancing decision-making to secure long-term, sustainable growth in today's fast-changing world.

This issue's highlight

Head of Innovation Roland van der Vorst shares how data analytics can drive innovation: “Data analytics should play a role of greater importance, and – truth to be told – that’s where we’re headed. We have gradually started developing more innovations that produce vast quantities of data, so finding new ways to use those data is a natural response.”

Read the full article in the current issue. 

What more you'll find in this issue

  • Prof. Dr. Folkert Asselbergs of UMCU shares how he envisions his role as a cardiologist and that of his colleagues to be in the future of healthcare: “AI now still plays a supporting role, but I sincerely think that ten years from now, AI will be in the lead and doctors will primarily support.”
  • Ingrid de Swart of a.s.r. shares about striking the ideal balance between human interaction, the touch, and digitized convenience, the tech: “Sure, you can run through the office high-fiving each other because you made a deadline, but if you then discover that customers have no interest in your latest creation, it will have little added value.”
  • Prof. Marc Salomon of University of Amsterdam shares about how transparent algorithms are becoming an increasingly clear indicator of your company’s true values: “You have to constantly scrutinize and evaluate your ethical compass. Is maximizing profits your only goal, or do you tell people to only buy your product if they really need it?”
  • and more....
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